
Case Study “Tobacco Control Success Story: Protecting Kids from Big Tobacco’s Influence in Indonesia”

For 15 years, children participating in Indonesia’s national badminton trials were required to wear jerseys that advertised one of the country’s most powerful tobacco brands on their chests. These children, all between the ages of 5 and 18, were not only targeted with tobacco advertising; they were exploited to help advertise the company’s deadly tobacco […]

Case Study “Tobacco Control Success Story: Protecting Kids from Big Tobacco’s Influence in Indonesia” Read More »

siaran pers

siaran pers Konferensi Pers Desakan Revisi PP109 tentang Pengamanan Zat Adiktif: “Menolak Revisi PP adalah Pembangkangan Visi Misi Presiden”

Jakarta, 22 Juni 2021 – Hari ini, Koalisi Masyarakat Peduli Kesehatan (KOMPAK) yang diwakili Yayasan Lentera Anak, Yayasan Lembaga Konsumen Indonesia (YLKI), Komnas PengendalianTembakau, FAKTA Indonesia, dan Indonesia Institute for Social Development (IISD) menyatakan desakan kepada Presiden Joko Widodo untuk segera menyelesaikan revisi PP 109/2012 tentang Pengamanan Zat Adiktif dan bertindak tegas kepada para Menteri

siaran pers Konferensi Pers Desakan Revisi PP109 tentang Pengamanan Zat Adiktif: “Menolak Revisi PP adalah Pembangkangan Visi Misi Presiden” Read More »

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